
If you are interested in sports and passionate about sharing your insights and covering sporting events, then a career in sports commentating might be a great fit for you. While jobs in the sports reporting industry can be quite competitive, there are ways in which you can set yourself apart to employers. 在这里, we will break down the steps to becoming a sports commentator, and how you can use your education and experience to successfully land a job in the industry.


A sports commentator is the person you hear when you’re watching a sporting event. They cover the play-by-play action of a game as it unfolds, often offering insight into the players and information about the sport.

Often, these professionals work for a specific club or a tv network. They can also work for radio, podcasts, or write blogs for other websites.


大多数体育评论员的标准工作时间是每周40小时, though these hours tend to be during evenings and weekends when most sporting events occur. Each week’s schedule may look different depending on the role and the current sporting season.

在这里 are some examples of what you might do on a shift:

  • Report live at a game, getting the crowd excited and sharing play-by-play updates to your audience
  • 为网站撰写内容
  • Operating a video camera or audio equipment during a game
  • 汇报团队的胜利和策略
  • Sharing information about a specific player’s stats and history
  • 分析特定的比赛、联赛或运动 
  • 采访球迷和球员


Almost all sports commentator jobs will require at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. One of the best and most applicable degrees to earn would be a 体育广播文学士.

In a sports broadcasting degree, you’ll take classes such as:

  • 数字视频制作
  • 非线性编辑
  • 新闻学基础
  • 新闻报道
  • 广播新闻
  • 体育广播概论
  • 现场体育制作导论
  • 制作体育直播
  • 体育媒体后期制作
  • 体育广播表演
  • 体育纪录片制作

Other relevant degrees that may qualify you for a career in sports broadcasting include communications, 新闻, 媒体, 或者电视广播.

即使你最终没有成为一名体育评论员, a degree in sports broadcasting can prepare you to work in 媒体 and communications. 

体育 broadcasting students will gain broadly-applicable skills that can be put to use in many different employment contexts.

Gaining experience in the sports broadcasting industry is equally as important as earning a degree. Universities often require an 实习 or field experience as part of the degree program. 

At 十大赌博网站, students complete a sports broadcasting 实习 their senior year that gives on-the-job experience in the sports broadcasting industry. 

Completing an 实习 also helps you create a network within the industry, 有时可以在毕业后找到一份工作.

Other ways to earn experience are to practice being an announcer at your university’s sports games, 指导一支运动队, 为你的学校或当地报纸写文章, 或者加入学校的广播队.

Public speaking skills are essential for succeeding as a sports broadcaster. You’ll need to be comfortable in front of the camera and have the ability to report on events in real time. Practice turning on a sporting event with the volume off and report on the game. This will help you become more comfortable with improvising on-the-spot.

Many creative 媒体 jobs require a portfolio of your work when applying for jobs, 体育解说也不例外. 然而, aspiring sports broadcasters need to have a portfolio of videos, 或卷, 展示他们的技能. 

This portfolio can include clips from real experience in radio and television, or practice tapes from production labs if you don’t have actual air time. Make sure the audio and visual quality of the recording are high and ask a professional in the industry to provide feedback on your portfolio to make sure it is as impressive as possible.

Landing your dream job in sports broadcasting might not happen right away, and that is okay! Start by applying to local radio and television stations, 不要害怕从初级职位开始. You’ll be able to work your way up as you gain experience and expand your network.

Speak to your professors about any opportunities or events they may know of to meet other sports commentators and find 实习 and job openings.


十大赌博网站 体育广播文学士 is a great step toward fulfilling your dream of becoming a sports commentator. 


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